Quench Magazine Beef and Broccoli Recipe

recipe for Beef and Broccoli

Earlier this month our good friend, Aman Dosanj, reached out asking us to provide a recipe for Quench Magazine that promotes the sustainable consumption of meat. We happily heeded the call with our Beef and Broccoli recipe.

The idea behind the article was to provide a recipe that uses smaller portions of meat, coming from off cuts that are more likely to see the landfill than your dinner plate. As consumers, we are less familiar with cuts like petit tender or flank, which is why they are often tossed during butchery, but they contain a ton of flavour! We also chose to make the vegetable the star of the dish, using all of its parts as well.

When it comes to animal protein and sustainability, it’s important to consider a number of factors. How the meat is produced? Is the whole animal is being used? How much protein do you actually need to consume? If you recall the Canada Food Guide from the 80’s and 90’s meat was a major component on the plate but today, there is a focus on vegetables and grains with protein acting as more of a side dish.

It’s also really fun to look at vegetables and find creative ways to make them the star of the dish. Instead of just steaming your broccoli and placing it on the dish as an afterthought, infuse some flavour by grilling it. Use the stems to make a bright, flavourful sauce for your protein. Use up every single edible part of the plant! With summer produce popping up everywhere across the country, it’s easier to get inspired by flavours of the season and get excited about cooking with them!

Check out the Quench Magazine Beef and Broccoli Recipe.

Bon Appetit!

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